
Frogworld Prototype

Frogworld Prototype


Experience a day in the life of a common bullfrog

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It’s a big day for a little frog

Our first animal perspective-based VR prototype, Frogworld, was created through the Oculus LaunchPad program in 2019.

Frogworld allows players to experience time spent as an American bullfrog jumping, crawling and swimming its’ (your) way through the natural world. Hunt flies for sustenance, survive busy road crossings, and avoid predators with long snouts and sharp beaks.

This virtual reality game is available on Oculus and Steam and delivers an immersive look at the effects of pollution, environmental degradation and climate change. Get a taste of what it’s like to have your home environment polluted, the very water in which you live becoming poisonous to the touch.

The end goal? Find a new healthy ecosystem to call home.

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Frogworld requires a PC-VR setup, and is available for free on Steam and Oculus.



Frogworld Screenshots